Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I spoke too soon

Last night at about 7pm, my new landlord called.

And said that he's selling the building and I have to move out.

This is the place I just moved into on Saturday. Sunday I spent all day unpacking everything I own.

I have yet to punch someone in the face. I do, however, believe it would make me feel MUCH better.

Monday, March 30, 2009

New things

I am officially a resident of Soulard! With the help of Ben and George, all of my things were moved on Saturday. Yes, we did it in the rain, and my matress and futon were soaked, but I am estatic to be in Missouri! This leaves me closer to work and school and my Ben. =)

Speaking of work, my second interview with Wash U is this Wednesday at 9am. I am really stoked about this. Wash U has great benefits: the health and dental are reasonably priced, 22 vacation days starting out is super awesome, and since most of the employees are doctors, there are a lot of paid holidays and no weekends or weeknights to work. But overall, just being able to say "Yeah, I work for Washington University" is pretty cool. Also, I have been seeking out a career opportunity that will allow me to help others. This position would be perfect for that.

That's what is going on today. One end thought though: if anyone has a microwave they want to sell (for really cheap) or just give to me, I would TOTALLY welcome that.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Big week

All this week I've been packing and moving, working, little sleep, then repeat. It's seriously wearing me down. Tomorrow is the big move, though. Starting at my old place at ten, all of the big ticket items are getting moved! I'm really excited and looking forward to being in the city for the first time ever!

Also, today I got a call back for a 2nd interview at Wash U. Pray and cross fingers, toes, and elbows for me. This job is something I would love to do and I know I'd be great at it. =)

Have a lovely weekend, and let's hope it doesn't rain tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It has been entirely too long....

It's been a weird time, these blog-less days...

But it has also been busy! I've been keeping things moving along with school. The first class is going swimmingly, and I am actually learning much more than I originally believed I would. My professor doesn't believe in tests or quizzes, so grading is based strictly upon understanding the material and presenting it in class. Works perfectly for me, and I expect to do great.

I've been on a few job interviews now, one for a data entry position here at Barnes-Jewish in the pre-lung transplant department. I should know whether or not I got that job by the end of this week. Today I interviewed for a position with Washington University as a pharmacy technician. It encompasses retail and IV prep, both of which I have experience with. Without going into depth, I'll just say that this position sounds extrememly interesting and right up my alley. By the end of this week or early next week, I will know whether or not I have a second interview, and subsequently from there will know if I am offered the position. Say a prayer, and keep your fingers crossed!!

I will be moving into an apartment in Soulard very soon. That's super exciting! The place is huge and I got a great deal on it. I'm really looking forward to being in the city!

That's it for now. It felt good to get all of that out.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Small request

Today, just say some extra prayers for me. =)

And check this picture. It's my dad, myself, my Great Grandpa Phillips, and my bro. It's making me smile today.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What a headache

I've got this headache because I keep trying to pick out my top ten bands (of right now) and I just cannot make up my mind.

I realized I had forgotten to post about class on Monday. It was pretty sweet. We had to prepare a PowerPoint presentation on a current event relating to corporate communications. It's March, so I chose the increase of email communication and decrease in work productivity due to March Madness. Pretty simple if you don't mind talking in front of people and really like ESPN. And that took up the entire class. Plus I got out early and got to see my manfriend. Always a plus.

I took a typing test today for two different jobs I can transfer into at Barnes. That's super cool. Pray for me (and for those of you that don't do that sort of thing, cross your fingers). I'm excited to get a Monday through Friday day job. =)

I have what I consider a "real" date tomorrow. This consists of dinner and a hockey game. All of this begins before the hour of 10pm. Also good.

That's it for today.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Best present ever

Last night I got the best present anyone has ever gotten me. The best ones are always the ones in which thought was placed. This one had a lot of thought. So thanks to Benjamin for purchasing a children's bible for me so that I can get caught up on the "meat" of the book in accordance with reading my own NIV study bible. (Oh, and the other presents were great as well.)

That's really it for today. Other than to say I am undoubtedly the luckiest girl on this planet. I'm heading home shortly to do some biblical reading and perhaps begin to compile my favorite bands/albums.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Really REALLY quickly

I'm sitting in a Bread Co. using free WiFi before class, which means that this post should be short. You should all check the music blog, because it's funny and it made me feel a little happier writing it.

I'm really stressing today because of a few things; mainly, I've got class in 45 minutes and I have to give a PowerPoint presentation. I have no idea why I'm worried. The content is fun, the speech is great... but for some reason I'm anxious. I have a feeling that it has to do with the fact that I have job interviews tomorrow, and I'm just hoping all goes well. I am needing a change and will be very grateful when that change comes. So I hope everyone says a prayer for me tonight. I'll say one for myself, but it's not like a few more would hurt people.

As a sidenote: Why must people insist on being rude when there is no reason to be? I have little to no patience when this happens. Arg.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

What a view I have

Today I woke up feeling less-than-well with a sore throat that I would wish on no one. After some coheresing of myself and a lot of cups of warm tea, I feel MUCH better.

I am super lucky to have the friends I do (that includes all of you), but today I am super lucky to have the Lynch's as two of my best friends. 

You see, Chris and Carolyn are off in some foreign island on a wonderful tropical vacation. At first, anyone would be jealous. I know they're going to come back tanned and rested and ready for anything. 

The beauty comes in this: I am house and dog sitting this afternoon. The house is on a lake and awesome and QUIET! And I love Grrrrrl, Dakota, and my Simon. I brought my computer and prepared a PowerPoint presentation for class tomorrow and almost fell asleep with a poodle mix on my lap. This is the epitome of relaxation. Now do you see the beauty?

More dog time now. And time on the deck to enjoy this gorgeous weather. 

Hope everyone's weekend is swell!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

I feel semi-lost

For the past week or so now, I have not had internet at my place of residence. Hence my feeling lost. I had just grown used to my love of blogging, then BAM!, no internet. Oh well.

This week has been pretty crazy. As previously blogged, I got to attend my first class. Since then, I have managed to round up a couple of job interviews for next week, and have one call I need to return for a third. This is a great sign, as I have been looking for a full-time day position, and all of the three jobs I've applied for fit that bill. The first job is at Saint John's Mercy Medical Center, where my cousin Beth works. This is just a patient transport job, but it would get my foot in the door. The other two jobs are both at Barnes-Jewish (where I currently work), and to be honest, I'd like to stay there if possible. Both jobs are desk jobs, and they both deal with the public. Right now, I'm stuck in a room five nights a week with the same people, having a minimal impact on patients directly. I am really hoping for an opportunity to work more directly with patients, as I feel that is my calling in life and this is God's will for me. One BJH job deals with radiation therapy patients, whereas the other deals with pre-lung transplant patients. I feel as though I could be a benefit to both types of patients. With that said, pray for me. =)

Also, today I took a trip to Circuit City. For those of you who live under a rock, they're going out of business and have crazy deals going on. I finally bought myself a new (WORKING!) laptop! I got it at about 65% of the original price, which is awesome. It's an HP Pavilion Entertainment PC. This thing comes with a friggin' remote. It's sweet!! I can't wait to get all of my goodies uploaded onto it and enjoy what it has to offer!

I got to talk to Beth today, who's home sick with Owen. The poor boy has a 103* fever that won't break and a double ear infection, so keep him in your thoughts.

Guess who else I got to talk to today: my Grandma B!! For those of you who have never had the pleasure of meeting her, she's just awesome. And the most undeniably sweet woman on this planet. Of course, the first thing the 81-year-old informed me of was that her hair is white because she got a haircut today. Oh, the perils of being a retired grandma...

Because I am not sure if I'll have the opportunity to write tomorrow or Sunday, I should recap this weekend. Here goes:
Saturday: go for a run, have lunch with Jess, maybe help Beth at the house, trivia with the Roethemeyers, hang out time with my way cool manfriend.
Sunday: sunday school, church, house and dog sit, homework, trivia.

Do you see how busy (read:FUN) my weekend is going to be? (I may have forgotten something... I feel as though I did....)

Have a productive, blessed weekend!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I had almost forgotten

Something cool happened this weekend and I have been so busy that I haven't posted about it yet. (The lack of home internet also doesn't help anything.)

On Friday of last week, I was really excited to see Stella play basketball the next day. That ended up not happening. I stayed up pretty darn late and couldn't wake up the next morning. (I should know that I really can't make too early Saturday morning plans because Ben works late on Fridays and my mind will not let me sleep without a goodnight call from him, which normally comes between 1 and 2am.) I ended up sleeping until around 10am and calling the Swalleys to apologize, which was immediately forgiven. (Thank God for really cool people who marry into families, right?) I actually ended up going over to see Bill, Ann Marie, Sophia and Stella and having lunch at the house. I got my new school pictures (yay!) and had a gymnastic show put on for me. We also discussed what the tooth fairy does with all of those teeth she collects...

Two REALLY cool things happened, though. Out of nowhere around the lunch table, Sophia (the one who favors me more) starts talking about mullets. FREAKING MULLETS. I am pretty sure my mouth dropped and stayed for a while. I ended up telling her how much that proves we're related, to which she responds "I know". However, I'm pretty sure she has no clue, really.

The other cool thing that happened? I played Wii bowling. That's pretty cool, since I haven't played in a while, but you want to know what's even cooler? I got SCHOOLED at Wii bowling. By a seven-year-old. Stella and I played a game together and she beat me. AND bowled a 216!! That's pretty impressive for a kid, I don't care if it's real bowling or not. At the end she just started shouting "Turkey!" and eventually, in the 10th frame, she got her turkey.

There's my weekend in a nutshell. It was super fun!

Anywho, today I got to sleep in and did some Biblical reading, along with some cleaning and some CD shopping. Good day, hope all of you are having one too!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I owe Roxanne BIGTIME

I really, wholeheartedly do.

Yesterday's class (and beginning of an entirely new school life) went smoothly. I will not say that the class itself was that exciting. I get pretty board with orientation and getting the basics out of the way. However, the idea itself-- getting a business-field degree in a short amount of time while going to class two nights a week-- is so liberating. The course itself is going to be more interesting than originally thought. My professor is a really cool old dude that has about 20 doctorate degrees (slight exaggeration), and there are a few people who seem really down to earth and there for the right reasons. The examination of communication failure next week will be an exciting "real" first class.

Anyhow, I completely owe the Foxy Roxanne for this. You see, this gal has been pushing me for a while to just finish a degree. (Not to mention that her mom pushes as well whenever I am graced with her presence.) In an email filled with confusion, I explained to her that I needed guidence in which school to attend. Her response was just what I needed, and in the end, her knowledge of Saint Louis colleges (even from Chicago) really helped me decide on the right choice.

So, thanks Roxanne!

Monday, March 2, 2009

today's a big day

I think the title says it all.

I start at Fontbonne University tonight and am 16 months away from obtaining my Bachelor Degree in Corporate Communications. It's sweet.

Thought I should talk about what I'm feeling at this moment: excited, completely freaked out, anxious, happy beyond belief, and I'll stop there because it will get long and complicated after that. I always get anxious right before starting school (except for K, I was super excited). This is a new place, new people, a new major. It's all friggin' NEW. The good thing is that I make it through class tonight, and I don't have class again until next Monday, and that's a blessing.

Maybe to take some of my nervousness away I should talk about other fun things...

The Watchmen comes out on Friday!! If you would like to be a nerd and see this with me, please let me know.
I am so excited to have a Chicago trip planned in April. Get ready, Chitown friends!!
My cousin, Beth, and myself are just a few weeks away from living together. It's exciting and I'm really looking forward to seeing her daily.

So, there are just a few things that I'm looking forward to. That tactic did not take away as much nervousness as planned. (You see moving and new school in the same paragraph, correct?!)

Moreover, I'm really excited about the future. Way excited. All I ask of you all is that you pray for me in the next few weeks. I've got a lot to do and not a lot of time to get it done.

Have a great Monday!