Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Goodbye, Blogger!

Blogger is really making me mad... It isn't allowing me to upload pictures to my blog. And who wants a blog void of pictures? Not this girl.

I'll be moving my blog over to Wordpress.

The new address will be: http://teampilotlove.wordpress.com/.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

More Time-Wasting Opportunities

I hesitate to extend to you this URL, because I have lost so much time on here it's disturbing:


When playing any kind of online/video game, I normally go for a puzzle-type game. (If you know me, you understand that the exceptions to this rulre are Zelda (any kind), Mario Kart, and 007.) I had a tough time trying to figure out why I like Zombie Baseball so very much.

I've been enlightened by this conversation via Gchat:
Me: who does this thing?
i think i am seriously obsessed with zombie baseball
Christy: of course
it's a rare combination of two of your best loves
zombies and sports

Why didn't I put that together before?!

Thanks to the creators of Zombie Baseball, and a big thanks to Christy for helping me to figure out most of my life questions, including why I am addicted to ZB.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I Wish I Had Pictures

Because today was my dad's family reunion.

Not much to report (we didn't stay too long), but I did end up on the receiving end of the bar across from Phil and Al. No one is shocked, because this is the same place I always end up at a family reunion. Go figure.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Uber Cute

Any ideas as to what my friend should name her adorable kitten??

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Darn It

As most of you know, a few weeks ago, my older cat Kramer died. Since then, Squishie has been pretty... needy. She's much more cuddly and meows much more than she used to. (And I didn't ever think that was possible...)

At first, I was really convinced that I didn't need another cat. I mean, I appreciate that the one I have is more receptive to love than she was before. Plus, animals can be expensive, especially if they weigh 20 pounds and eat a lot of food.

But tonight, this happened:

This cat was hanging out on Ben's back porch last night. He was friendly and was doing what I refer to as the "I'm going to put on a show and rub my body all over this here banister" move. That's fun and great to watch, but this guy here really pulled me in tonight.

You see, I had family dinner at Ben's parents, then came back to Ben's afterward to finish some laundry. This cat was just waiting in front of the house. I went to unlock the door, and he was purring and rubbing all over my legs, so I sat down. Then he jumped in my lap and cuddled. It was awesome.

Point of the story: I'm getting another cat, after I pay off some bills...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Things I Will Miss

On my very last day at BJH (YES!!) I am trying to think of some of the things I will miss. Here is what I can come up with thus far.

Telling a joke to Courtney, who will laugh and then say, "I don't get it."

Hearing "PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST!" and bird calls from the OR hallway.

My music loudly blaring from the iPod speakers.

My "other" mom being awesome. She covers the gambit, from always listening to me when I need to vent or cry, or singing "Dick in a Box" out of nowhere. Cynthia Halliburton, YOU are awesome.

Having hours to kill. Normally on the internet.

Being able to have Ben sit with me in the Children's Hospital cafeteria.

Getting to see my best friend when she's leaving work.

Playing TWSS. (Okay, dominating TWSS.)

Hearing quotes like "He's Steve, and Steve is Steve. What did I say?".

Fist pounds from Green.

Dancing and breaking into song whenever I want, and having no one care.

Believe me, there are a lot more things that I will NOT miss that make it worth leaving, but I want to leave with positive feelings. Farewell BJH. Round two was nice, but not nice enough.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


On my second-to-last day at BJH (or, at least, I hope it is...), I am really in the "I don't give a crap" mode. Don't get me wrong- I'm still getting my work done, but at a slower pace and afterwards am ready to get some quiet time in. I also have stopped refraining from singing very loudly (and obnoxiously).

Tonight, I really put my heart behind The Moknees theme song.

When I was a child, I absolutely loved The Monkees. Not necessarily the music, but the show itself. It's not a great show. But you really have to hand it to my uncle, who I forced to watch it with me. Listening to that theme song brings back memories, including a more recent one.

While working at Anderson, we basically had no internet privileges. By that, I mean 90% of sites were blocked. Not blocked? Wikipedia and Wikihow. (If you are unfamiliar with Wikihow, I suggest asking me about it sometime. I am experienced in ridiculous Wikihow searching.) Other unblocked sites included a lot of medical reference sites. I am slightly confused as to why we did have access to any Wiki site, but it did allow for some entertainment (when I wasn't dancing or playing Bejeweled on my laptop).

I will let the story tell itself, by giving this link and saying that this wouldn't be the first time I've done this search.