Tuesday, June 30, 2009

CDs: Stolen.

In April, my car was broken into outside of my Soulard apartment. They stole my CD case, which had a whole lot of CDs inside. How many? I didn't know that answer for a while. I put off counting becuase of a few reasons- I have been really busy, and I really didn't want to know how many were gone for a while. Last week (or the week before, I can't remember) I decided to count them. Between the ones I can count because I owned the hard copies, and the addition of the burned ones that were in there, I would say I lost about 130 CDs. Not a fun concept for my brain to grasp, truthfully. My favorite CDs were the ones I always had in the car with me.

Of course, I have an iPod-ready stereo. Problem is that when my car was totaled in February, I ripped it out and haven't had a chance (or the cash) to have it re-installed into my new car. Bummer.

Optimistically, I am now taking a few different CDs with me here and there, listening to things I normally wouldn't have listened to. So, indirectly and unplanned, I am rediscovering parts of my library I had forgotten about. Nothing wrong with that I suppose.

Here's a video of a track from a CD that was stolen. Take a look at the dude stage right on the cowbell:

Friday, June 26, 2009


Tomorrow, I get to see two of my oldest (and two of my most awesome) friends get married.

Now, initially, I thought this day would strike me as strange. But not anymore. Whatever weird feeling I had that we're all getting "old" and now have to live adult lives has gone by the wayside. Life is different (and more adult-like) but way more awesome than it was before. I think this goes for a lot of people I've known for an extended period of time, including myself. I won't retract my statement to some of you that I'll probably cry like a baby tomorrow, because I probably will. But it'll be a good, excited cry.

Here's to Christy and Tom, who get to (finally!) make it official tomorrow. I love you both very much and am so happy I get to be a part of this day.

In celebration, here is a picture from one of the most fun wedding receptions I have ever attended. (I love adopted sisters.)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Needed This

Can you see it? The sweat from my Pepsi decided to make a smiley face today. It was pretty cool.

Friday, June 19, 2009

All Things Good

Lately I've been under a mess of stress. Most of which is unavoidable. I've been feeling down a lot the past few weeks. Understandably, at that.

Today, I finally feel like myself. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It's a great feeling.

I think that's all I've got for today. Things are good. I'm just a bit tired, but am really looking forward to getting some sleep tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Warning: You're About to Lose Too Much Time

I try to refrain from these types of posts, as I figure I waste enough time on stupid sites, as does everyone I know. But this is too good to pass up.

By the way, credit goes to my cousin Christy, who sends me links to all kinds of things that waste my time. :)

Enjoy. I promise it's worth your time.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

100 Posts

This is blog number one hundred. And I feel like I don't write a lot of days...

Anyway, yesteday I arrived at BJH's parking garage about 35 minutes before I needed to clock in. And I clocked in two minutes late. Why, you ask? Because I drove around the parking lot/garage looking for a spot for entirely too long. It was very aggrevating.

When I did find a spot, I really found about a spot and a half. You see, I've blogged before about BJH employees not really knowing how to park. Didn't believe me? See for yourself:

My car is in the right portion of the picutre. I am parked in an actual spot. This truck is parked in a self-created spot. Awesome.

Do you see the yellow line runnning straight down the middle of where the truck is parked? That's not cool, dude. Not cool at all. And I will say that this is not the only time I've seen a situation such as this.

*Sigh* I am ready for a new job, whenever God wants to bless me with one.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I Need Some Cheering Up

So, I tried to find fun things in my day that made me laugh.

I was moderately successful, as I found a few things, but that lacks in number from my normal days.

1- On the way into work today I realized something- I drive a really loud Ford. On the streets of the city of Saint Louis. Today, I had both windows down. (ie: anyone on the sidewalk could hear what I was listening to.) I was blaring REO Speedwagon. At this point in time, the only thought that came into my head was, 'This is as Caseyville as I get'.

2- There is still some contruction going on in my building. I'm cool with that. However, whatever electric tool they were using this morning had a distinct noise. Have you ever seen Silent Hill? If not, just know that it is super awesome, and SUPER creepy. Remember whenever that smog crap is going to take over the skies of the town? That stupid siren goes off?! That's the sound this tool made when it started up. I was concerned that either people were coming to burn me, or with the weather today, that I was going to be eaten by a tornado. Either way, dead. And not fun. But funny.

That's all I have for now. Maybe I'll revise later if something else comes up.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Reaching Out

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about how to help others. This year, I've been blessed enough to have a lot of loved ones around me to help me when I needed it most. I love that feeling- that there are people out there who care enough about you to be there when things really... well, suck.

I've grown a lot religiously this year. Especially in the last month or two. Being appreciative as to what and who God has placed into my life. Now I am ready to return favors, and give to those who give so much to me, and others who really just need it.

I try to take care of my loved ones. Sometimes, I am not sure how. I just do what I know I can or what I am good at. I hope what I do can reduce stress or give others more time to "do life", as a friend and I like to say. This can include actual physical duties, or just trying to make someone I love feel better.

Today I sent a facebook message to an aquaintance who seems to be having a hard time. I don't know if I helped with a message. I just know that there are all kinds of situations that are handed to us that back us into corners. It's there that we should all really search ourselves. What houses your faith when you're down and out? Are you fighting alone, or is your faith placed in the only one who holds destiny?

I'm not saying that you need to force-feed your beliefs to others. I am, however, saying that serving Christ and glorifying God mean doing what is right for mankind.

There are a lot of personal things that I don't like sharing with people, unless 1- they need to know because they're close to me, or 2- I really think they could gain from hearing one of my stories.

All I am saying is that I encourage you to do what everyone should consider to be the RIGHT thing- help those in need. You don't have to have a lot to give in order to do so. If you have a roof over your head, food to eat, and some water, you're very lucky. These are things you can share with others.

So, reach out to those in need. Even if it's just a kind word when someone needs it. If you have more to offer, and your heart desires to, give it!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Stanley Cup Finals

Hello, Pittsburgh!

I love hockey. I love when the Wings lose (to anyone, really). I especially love that the city of Pittsburgh has two winning teams.

Who the heck wants to go on a roadtrip?! This girl.

So, congrats Pens! Way to beat my most hated team in hockey. I love the team for that.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Just thought it would be fun to share two quotes overheard at work today. I was not the one who said them. The same person, however, did say both of them.

"Kiss my Cherrios!"


"Your momma told me so!"

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sugar & Coffee

I've used both things the past few days to help me wake up. Yesterday I had a babysitting date, and today I am up with my mom.

Yesterday I stopped by QT to get some coffee. I always convince myself that I don't need the fancy stuff with added flavors and sugars. What do I always get? The things I try to convice myself not to.

Yesterday I got the Carmel Macchiato. That's the standard. It's too sugary and fattening, but delicious all around.

Today, I stopped on my way to get said carmel goodness. There was a little flappy sign that said "Banana Split Coffee". It doesn't sound great. In fact, it doesn't even sound good. For some unknown reason, I was pulled to it. So I got it. On the walk to the car I kicked myself in the butt for getting it.

I just tasted it.

It tastes delicious.

Not something I'd drink daily, but okay for an every-once-in-a-while fix.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

What a Week

This week has been one of the most exhausting and emotionally taxing weeks I've ever had. In my life. If you have known me for a while, or know my background, I think that statement carries a lot of weight. Good thing that weight isn't really on me.

Today I am testy. I am more sensitive to things than normal (sorry, Ben!), and to be honest, there have been a few times I have burst into crying fits. I try not to cry at inappropriate times, or at least not in front of people. (And for the record, I would not consider myself a crier.) My mind is still boggled and I am confused as how to word how I am feeling. I can say that I feel as though someone pushed my PANIC! button a few months back, liked what they saw, and hasn't let go.

Though, through all this, an interesting thing has happened. When I received some not-so-great news, Ben and I went straight to God. After the prayer, I didn't feel a normal overwhelming feeling I would feel. Instead, I felt as though it wasn't in my hands anymore. We lifted it to God. It's like a passed baton in a race- it was yours, you took it to where it needed to be, you did your part. Of course you are curious to see where it ends up; but that decision is no longer up to you. Will you be worried? Probably, because we as human beings tend to worry. It's almost inevitable. The question is whether or not we should worry. The answer is a resounding NO!! God has his plan. It's not mine or yours, but it is his. We aren't supposed to know what's going to happen. We are supposed to trust that whatever He says, goes. (That sounds like my dad talking to me as a child...)

Have you ever been in a class where a professor says, "You need to know this, you'll use it everyday in your career"? (By the way, calculus is infamous for this. I should know, I took it three times.) I will not call those professors liars. However, I will say that most information learned is not as practical as they make it out to be. That info you learn every Sunday in church? That's infinitely more valuable than anything you can learn in a textbook.

What happens when you take all of those teachings, and put them into real life? Take it further, outside the doors of a chapel?

You live.

You live for what is right. You do what the Lord wants you to do. For Him, for others, to enrich yourself, to be a reflection of what He is. You give to those worthy and unworthy alike. You give because He gave for us.

You want to know what else happens?

Important areas of your life are tested- the way you think, they way you behave, the relationships in which you interact. Your priorities are placed where they need to be. You learn who and what is important and how to rank said priorities. When you do that alongside God, in the trust that His plan is good and right and the only way, you live for Him. Not you or your loved ones or for the pressures that overcome. Because when you live for Him, you will receive everything you need to be happy because He will provide that for you.

There's no need to fret over the things you do not have. You should thank God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon you. If asked a little over a year ago, I would have said that I needed more of EVERYTHING. Now, I understand that I have been given all that I need.

When I think I "need" something else, I'll take that to God. It's between He and I, no matter what it is. He will answer. If I don't like the answer, it doesn't matter. That is His answer, His plan. I don't need to try to fight it; He will provide when He sees fit.

Because I take everything to Him and trust Him with it, when I think about all of those things being tested, I KNOW I passed. That weight isn't on me, because I have placed my faith in God and know He is right.

I urge you to do the same as I have done. God gives you faith when you are down and out and think you have none, and that is an awesome thing.

Here's a group picture from our triple date last night. Fun!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Something Old is Something New

After what can, on the light side of things, be considered a crazy week, today I did something I used to do often, but haven't been able to do a lot lately.

I got to see Ann Marie and Sophia and Stella.

Ann Marie is my mom's youngest brother's wife. As far as I am concerned, Bill married into royalty. Ann Marie stays at home to raise the girls. During the school year, she works part time, only while the girls are in class. She's a great mom. The girls are so well behaved and sweet it's surprising in today's world.

Anyway, I got to have a great talk with Ann Marie. (She's awesome to me!!) I also had this conversation with the girls after I saw Sophia make a face that I KNOW I make:
Janelle: "Sophia, I think you're my twin."
Sophia: "I think so, too."
Janelle: "Stella, you aren't my twin because you have way more guts than I have."
Stella: "Well, i don't think you and Sophia are alike either, because she's going to be much taller than you when she grows up. She's already almost taller than you"

Essentially, I was told I am short. By a seven-year-old. My girls are awesome, and growing up so fast! (Sidenote: I really do wish I had a scanner, as I would add some baby pictures of the girls, but no such luck.)

In the first picture, Sohpia was working on my hair. Stella made us pause to take a goofy picture. And, yes, that IS Roma's finger in ready to poke me in the face!

The second picture is from my grandma's funeral this April. As you can see, Stella was not lying when she said Sohpia is almost as tall as me... *sigh*

The third picture is the gals at their finest... very, VERY goofy!

Today I say that if you really want to see loved ones, don't wait. Go visit them now. My life would be so drastically different if Ann Marie and the girls weren't in it, and I am SO thankful for them!

Also, I hope everyone ate a healthier dinner than I, as I had Gardettos for the main course, and now Sno-Caps for dessert. Take that, diet!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

For Those Unaware

For those of you who don't know, I am a huge Christopher Walken fan. Last night Ben and I began talking about him because we were watching The Usual Suspects , which has Kevin Pollak as a co-star. Kevin Pollak does an outstanding impression of Christopher Walken. The most memorable one I have heard is a piece from Bob and Tom's radio show, where Pollak answers questions that have no relation to his answers. It's outstanding. One line I can remember is "The squirrels scare me."

Anyway, today I am on a Christopher Walken rampage. I've got on my Christopher Walken t-shirt.

Can you see that? It's backwards, but you get the point.

Anyway, my favorite Walken clip is not the cowbell one. It's this clip with the ever-so-awesome Tim Meadows (Because who doesn't like The Ladies Man?). Tim Meadows plays a cencus taker, and he stops by Christopher Walken's apartment to get some info. Here it is for your enjoyment.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Not How Things Are "Supposed" To Be...

I had a conversation this morning with one of my good, long term friends. She is very excited (and I'm excited for her), as her boyfriend took her to look at engagement rings yesterday. As we talked about cuts and types (which I have entirely no clue about), we eventually traveled to talking about how weird the situation was. Weird not to be taken in a negative connotation. Just... different. If you would have asked the group of friends fifteen years ago where we'd be today, it would have been a completely different set-up than what it is now.

For a long time in my life, I was jealous of others: the fact that most of my friends graduated college exactly four years after high school; most of them continued on to great jobs and an opportunity to attend grad school.

In the last few years, I have realized that there's a masterplan for everyone, and it's God's masterplan. There have been a lot of situations in my life that at one point I wanted to change.

After a re-evaluation, I understand that there would be absolutely no way I'd be where I am today without each and every one of the experiences I've had. Sometimes I think I should be really proud of where I've come from and who I have become. In reality, I owe everything I am to God's graciousness.

Looking back ten to fifteen years ago, I obviously had different plans for myself. I am infinitely grateful that those plans were not God's plans. I wouldn't trade where I am today for the opportunity to change my past or anything I have experienced. It is fair to say that I am the happiest I have ever been. Grace be to God!

Do you feel this way? Would you change the past?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Who didn't watch Conan?

I did. Obviously. It was funny. I was disappointed.

One Pearl Jam song that wasn't very good. At all. Eddie looked terrible.

This ends my stretch of swooning over the Ved. Now my focus is completely on my real-life swooning. That's much more important anyway.