it occurred to me recently that i should have been doing this blogging thing for some time. as you all know, i'm extremely random. and i have a tendency to not hold my tongue. i always just tried to remember all of the funny things that had happened so that i could tell friends when we would get together (which, as known, never really works). then-bright idea- blog you idiot. so, here i sit, blog number one.
this one may be a tad bit long. but, really, i always have something crazy that happened or i thought of. or something that happened years ago that i just remembered. most of the time, i remember these things around 4am, when my friends are sleeping. not a great time for a "hey, remember when we did this?!?!?" phone call.
nonetheless- i know exactly where i'm going with this blog tonight. it will take some explanation, but the moral of the story- i was in PURE steve perry form.
you all know i love music, so there's really no explanation needed there. and to be truthful, love is not a strong enough word. i'd say i completely and totally feel music.
all of you also know that i'm a sterile processing tech at one of the best hospitals in the area. my job isn't exciting, but the benefits are great, it pays the bills, and help with school is always welcome. basically what i do is sit in a room within the OR department and wait for really expensive shiny metal to pop out of a washer. then i get to inspect it and set it up. this is the bottom line. like i said, uninteresting, although pretty important if you're the patient on the table.
anywho, my evening shift is amazing. we have fun. problem is, when i begin my shift, the day shift is still around. they're grouchy and unpleasant, and i am the exact opposite, so i just put some sweet delicious musical candy into my ears and try to make it to around 5 or 6pm. you see, that's when things get better. we have a stereo with an iPod hookup. hellllloooo perfection. i work on one end of the room, and a few others occupy the other, which has a radio that is always tuned to some station. (sidenote: the days ms. leona wants to listen to delilah are hell, but i love her anyway.) basically a few of the employees and myself are listening to my iPod, and courtney (i know you're reading this mrs. turner) regulates the radio on the other side. while i groove to my own tunes, sometimes a jam from the other area entices me.
case-in-point: someone who shall remain nameless does NOT like the gem that is kansas' "carry on my wayward son". but, me... when that song comes on across the way, my ipod stops. i sing at the top of my lungs and air drum and air guitar. i AM my own one man band. song ends, and i go back to what i was doing before. there are a few songs that just DO that to me.
i share my love of rockin' music with my serogate mother, a fellow employee named cynthia, who we all affectionately call by her last name, halliburton. (i know, what a cool name!!) she will listen to anything on my iPod, but particularly likes hendrix and CCR. any audible guitar solo triggers her air guitar, which is a thousand times better than mine. basically, she feels like an older sister, but treats me like a daughter. it's awesomely cool.
so, picture this:
tonight, i'm doing as i normally do, assembling sets and listening to STP or something kickin', and my eardrum is pulled to the other side of the room, where my serogate mom is working. this time, it wasn't the radio. it was courtney saying "hey janelle, your song's on!". there is only one song courtney pulls me to the other side of the room for: steve perry's "oh, sherrie". unfortuantely this golden tune is NOT on my iPod (i know, people), so i take advantage of listening to it.
i mosey on over to my mom, who also loves this song, and boom:
yes. in unison. loud as all get out. and, knowing me, i assume you are all picturing me pumping my fist in the air and showing complete emotion on my face.
this is what life is all about. and i love it, more so these last few days then, well.... you get the picture.
more tomorrow. i'm off to groove.