Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm 100% Sure...

Mike Herrera and the Px just came to my rescue.

I'm at work. On the radio on the other side of the room is playing Delilah. This is my absolute least favorite radio show. It's just too cheesy and the songs are too gooey. (This does not add up to grilled cheese, as my vivid explanation may lead you to believe, because grilled cheese is delicious.)

Most of the time I can put up with whatever I happen to hear, because my iPod is always playing on the other side of the room. Tonight, however, a song came on that makes me cringe almost everytime: Bryan Adam's "Everything I Do (I Do It For You)". I was going to shout something like, "Hey, this is horrible! Turn it off!", but two of the four people in the room were singing it, so I would have been outvoted. Instead I was just hoping that something awesome would come blaring through the iPod stereo speakers, and it did. MxPx's "Chick Magnet".

Thank Goodness for iPod shuffle.

What songs make you crazy?! I wanna know.


  1. I definitely was not singing that song! I actually giggled a little because my sister and I made a parody of it, "Everytime I brush, my teeth fall out"

  2. Lady by Styx. Randy sings it randomly around the house at about 300 decibels, and I can't hear one note of it without wanting to claw my own eyeballs out. LOL

  3. Court, I was not aware that you were writing song parodies. This is something we need to cover on a day off. We also need to make videos of said parodies, and I know someone that can help us out with that...
    Chris, I can't stop picturing Randy singing "Lady", leading me to the fact that I also cannot stop laughing. Now I know how to annoy you. :)
