Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sleeping In

I hate it.

Some people love it. And some days, sure, I really need to do so. (Or, at least, when I am really tired I convince myself that I need it.) Most days, though, I work a lot better on about 4-6 hours of sleep as opposed to the 7-8 recommended.

Why discuss this today?

Last night, Ben and I both stayed at his parents' house. (He had to be up early for a meeting out this way.) I got up at 5:30AM with him and we had breakfast and coffee. The pivital part of the morning was when Ben left. I was awake enough to stay up, but I fought that urge and went back to bed. And slept until 10:00AM. I should have stayed up and watered the plants, taken a shower, gotten some things together at my old apartment...

The reason that I bring this up is that I am in the process of changing a lot of things in my life. I think getting up at a decent hour daily is going towards the top of the list. So, as much as I will regret posting this, I encourage you to call me and get me up. Early if needed.

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