Tuesday, June 16, 2009

100 Posts

This is blog number one hundred. And I feel like I don't write a lot of days...

Anyway, yesteday I arrived at BJH's parking garage about 35 minutes before I needed to clock in. And I clocked in two minutes late. Why, you ask? Because I drove around the parking lot/garage looking for a spot for entirely too long. It was very aggrevating.

When I did find a spot, I really found about a spot and a half. You see, I've blogged before about BJH employees not really knowing how to park. Didn't believe me? See for yourself:

My car is in the right portion of the picutre. I am parked in an actual spot. This truck is parked in a self-created spot. Awesome.

Do you see the yellow line runnning straight down the middle of where the truck is parked? That's not cool, dude. Not cool at all. And I will say that this is not the only time I've seen a situation such as this.

*Sigh* I am ready for a new job, whenever God wants to bless me with one.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of those people who think their car is more special than everyone else's, so they park diagonally across two parking spaces so no one dings their paint with a car door. When I see that, I park parallel to them, as closely as I can, preferably on the driver's side.
